10:00 - 10:20
Deep Tech Atelier opening
11:35 - 12:15
Deep-Tech of your Mind. The perspectives

Anton Adamovitch
Managing Partner, Partnerships & Ecosystem Architect @ Commercialization Reactor; EIT Community Officer of Latvia @ EIT

Rob Brinded
World-renowned Mind-Body Specialist

Marcel Gasser
Business Coach & Strategic Mentor

Mark Schubert
Associate Director of R&D - Global Innovation Scouting @ Sherwin-Williams

Tessy Antony De Nassau ép Floessel
Social Entrepreneur
12:15 - 13:00
Lunch Break
13:45 - 14:20
Industry Collaboration: Strengthening Ecosystems for the Future

Ilona Gulchak
Chairperson of the Board at Commercialization Reactor Fund

Christophe Pompee
Venture Capital Investor in Deeptech, Industry 4.0 and Cleantech

Marko Koski
Founder of EnergySpin accelerator; Entrepreneur; Business Angel

Hayata Okubo
Senior Program Manager at Plug and Play Japan

Christopher Mills
Discovery partner at Kiilto Ventures

Mark Schubert
Associate Director of R&D - Global Innovation Scouting @ Sherwin-Williams
15:00 - 15:30
Networking break
16:30 - 17:15
Assessing the Intellectual Property Health of Deep-Tech Startups

Mārtiņš Kokalis
EUIPO Deployed Network Support for Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia

Nikolai Adamovitch
Founder and CEO at Commercialization Reactor

Reinis Spunde
CEO, Co-founder @ Catalyco

Sigmar Lampe
Legal Advisor IP and Licensing - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Ilja Rudyk
Senior Economist at the European Patent Office

Māra Rozenblate
The leading expert on European patent matters of the Patent Office of Latvia
18:00 - 19:00
13:45 - 14:15
Cross-sectoral Innovations in Space: Biotech, Defence, and Remote Sensing

Diāna Lapkis
Member of the Board, Latvian Space Industry Association, CEO Social Innovation Accelerator - NewDoor

Joe Cotti
Sales & Business Development Manager - Southern / Eastern Europe at Airbus Defence and Space - Intelligence

Elīna Gaile-Sarkane
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at Riga Technical University

Elīna Egle
Co-Founder and CEO of Federation of Security and Defence Industries of Latvia (FSDI Latvia)

Dr. Gordon Campbell
Director, Science, Applications and Future Technologies Department, Directorate of EO Programmes - European Space Agency
15:00 - 15:30
Networking Break
15:50 - 16:15
Investment Trends in Space: Space Access and Its Impact on Growth

Angelina Bekasova
Space and Innovation Policy Senior Expert, Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia

Tomasz Palacz
Founder & CEO at Liftero

Chris O'Connor
Partner, NATO Innovation Fund

Pauls Irbins
Space enthusiast and futurist, Orbit8 CEO

Nikolai Adamovitch
Founder and CEO at Commercialization Reactor
18:00 - 19:00
13:00 - 14:30
Net Zero Industry Act - next steps for Latvia and Baltic states

Kaspars Liepins
Head of the H2Latvia

Julija Dzigulska
Head of Business Development, Purple Green

Daniel Gerber
Representative of the European Commission, Team Leader – Net Zero Industry Act

Imants Martinsons
Director Latvia at Cleantech for Baltics; Member of the Board at Green and Smart Technology Cluster

Artūrs Zandersons
Adviser to the Minister for Economic Affairs
14:30 - 15:00
Networking break
18:30 - 20:30
Dinner & Networkling